Running with Vision

Written by Staff

December 6, 2015


By Naomi A. HernandezChristian Athlete, Biathlete, Ultra-Runner.

​“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)

Do you have a dream? A vision? A goal? I was reminded today of one of my favorite verses: Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” 

One of my goals for the remainder of this year, and that I’m committed to next year, is to diligently journal, especially my short and long term goals that are upcoming.

If we write down our goals, thoughts, dreams, and heart’s desires, we imprint this message into our own mind and allow it to sink in to our soul. Your vision and dreams will become more apparent and real, as you meditate on them on a daily basis.

When your dreams are clearly written down in any form, whether it be in journals, a dream board, post it notes, or even a collage of magazine clippings, it can’t be easily mistaken. What is written down is reduced to certainty and clarity, even when you are having a bad day and want to talk yourself out of your dreams.

Not only declaring goals and dreams in writing is important for your future aspirations and gauging what you have accomplished, but writing down visions is a way to bless God. Every day, we have a reason to bless God and declare His goodness and what He has done for us. Deliberate annotations of God’s goodness will not allow us just a cursory view of what God has delivered us from, but an in-depth, heart felt reflection of His Ever Lasting Mercies.

What has God done in your life? I encourage you to write it down. What dreams has God dropped in to your heart? Create a daily journal or dream board. Put them in a place that you visit daily, to remind yourself of your purpose, and how you will inspire others. Today is December 6. Make the vision plain for 2016, as you end this year.
*Adapted from the author’s #RunWithSoul Instagram post.

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