Conquest and Cravings                                  

Written by Staff

August 30, 2015


Today we uploaded an extract from an article by Bible Advocate editor Jason Overman originally published back in 2007. Called “Conquest and Cravings: Food, Sex, and Baal Peor,” this unusual article looks at the use and misuse of  the twin pulls of food and sex throughout biblical history.  

As the article states: “The Bible explores food and sex and their potential for blessing or curse throughout its pages.  In story, in law, in poetry, the pairing of the two — in ways subtle or obvious — admonishes us of their dangers and delights.  They warn that we must master our appetite or be mastered by it.”  

The combination  of food, sex, and the ancient pagan god Baal frequently led to the downfall of the ancient Israelites.  Read our extract from “Conquest and Cravings” and see how the lesson from these ancient attractions is one from which we can still profit today. You can read the extract here.

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