Seven Promises from the Words of Jesus

Written by Staff

July 1, 2024

A New, Free E-Book by R. Herbert – Seven Promises from the Words of Jesus

The promises recorded in the Bible are among the most important words in the Scriptures – and there are literally thousands of them! Even when we look only at the promises made by Jesus during his earthly ministry, there are hundreds of promises that could be considered. Yet many of these promises are prophecies that apply, for example, only to those who reject God, while others are clear promises made to those who submit their lives to him.  That type of promise is of particular importance to every believer, and it is on those promises that this new book focuses.  There are actually only seven such unconditional and ongoing promises that Jesus made regarding his relationship with his followers – promises for believers in every age – and it is these seven vital promises that this book examines. You can download a free copy of this new e-book to read on your computer, tablet, e-book reader, or smart phone, without registration or having to give an email address. Download a copy

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