Stand With the Persecuted

Written by R. Herbert

April 17, 2016

Today, Sunday April 17,  eight major Christian organizations — Open Doors USA, the Institute on Religion & Democracy, The Voice of the Martyrs, In Defense of Christians, Christian Solidarity Worldwide USA, International Christian Concern, 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative and the Family Research Council — are calling on Christians around the United States and everywhere to pray for the persecuted.

According to Open Doors USA,  more Christians were killed through persecution in the 20th Century than through all of history till then – and the 21st Century is already seeing even more widespread and savage levels of violence against those of our Faith. 

As FRC President Tony Perkins has recently said: “The persecution of Christians is at an unprecedented level and we are even seeing it here in the United States, but the hostility that Christians here in America are facing pales in comparison to the mistreatment, displacement, violence, rape, crucifixions, and beheadings experienced by followers of Jesus in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, and other parts of the Middle East and beyond.”

For further information on the growing crisis in the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities, see the interview with Open Doors President and CEO, David Curry, on our sister site, here.  

Please remember this call for unity with the persecuted today and pray for your brothers and sisters around the world who are now facing increasing danger or who have already suffered greatly as a result of persecution.

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