Three Components of Real Love

Written by R. Herbert

January 2, 2014


The Book of Luke tells the well-known story of how Jesus was invited to the home of a Pharisee named Simon.  While he was there, a woman who was a prostitute slipped into the house and, weeping at His feet, wiped her tears from Him with her hair before kissing His feet and pouring expensive perfume onto them.  

When Simon began to think that Jesus surely could not be a prophet of God, or he would have known the sinfulness of the woman, Jesus rebuked him by comparing her loving behavior with the loveless failure of the Pharisee.

The story has additional significance because if we read it carefully, we see that it actually reveals  important aspects of  true and complete love for others.  This week’s article on the Strategic Understanding page, “Three Components of Real Love,” shows what those aspects are.

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