Something to think about: Does it hurt to study the Bible? It should do, occasionally! Hebrews 4:12 makes it clear that one of the primary reasons the word of God is given to us is as an effective “Sword of the Spirit” (see also Ephesians 6:17) which cuts deep within us. The word of God is a source of encouragement and help at all times, but if we are reading the Bible purely for comfort or inspiration, we are missing one of its great purposes. The word is also a sword which is intended to be wielded (on both errant doctrines and on ourselves where we err). If we are not seeking to be corrected as well as encouraged as we study, we are essentially just polishing the sword. Study tactically!
A New Year’s Goal – Take a Free Bible Course!
If you are looking for a truly worthwhile goal to set for this new year, consider taking one of the many Bible courses...