Tactics and Strategies for Christian Living

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Hundreds of posts on all aspects of biblical understanding and Christian living.

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Articles, blog posts, and free e- and audio-books providing  you with tactics and strategies for successful Christian living!  


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Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to provide tactics and strategies for the Christian walk.

This non-commercial and non-denominational website is about tactics and strategies you can use to help you achieve your goals in the Christian life.  Although they are often thought of as military terms, both strategy and tactics can apply to any area of life where we have goals we are trying to reach.  The terms are just as appropriate whether we want to climb a mountain, overcome a challenge, or fulfill our highest aspirations in life. Unlike other sites that have used our name, we are the original “Tactical Christianity” and we have nothing to sell –  all our e- and audio-books are free and can be downloaded without any kind of registration.

Information and inspiration for successful Christian living.

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Literal or Figurative?

Literal or Figurative?

Anyone who has read more than a few chapters of the Bible soon comes to realize that the Scriptures contain some things that are meant to be...

Why Faith Needs Patience

Why Faith Needs Patience

“we ourselves boast of ... your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure” (2 Thessalonians 1:4 NKJV). The Bible...

Love Is Not All You Need

Love Is Not All You Need

“All you need is love, love, love is all you need, love is all you need …”  - The Beetles. It may have been a smash hit, but the Beetles’ 1967...

A Tale of Two Rabbis

A Tale of Two Rabbis

Around the turn of our present era – just before and during the life of Jesus – two Jewish rabbis lived and rose to considerable fame. Even if you...

Learn It, Live It, Give It!

Learn It, Live It, Give It!

There is an interesting verse in the biblical book of Ezra that every Christian can profit from: “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and...