Many of our free e-books are being made available as MP3 audio books that can be played on any computer, tablet, or smart phone. Some titles are already available now and are listed below. New audio books are being added frequently, so be sure to check back often to download new titles.

FINDING HAPPINESS: God’s Surprising Purpose in Your Life

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

True and lasting happiness is something we all deeply desire, but that so few have. This book looks at what the Bible teaches on this subject that can help you find the happiness you were meant to enjoy.

A BRIGHTER LIGHT: Seven Simple Steps to Help Your Christian Light Shine

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

Letting our “lights” shine is a basic Christian responsibility, and This short book examines seven simple ways in which we can avoid short-circuiting the light God desires to show through us, and more effectively let that light shine. These principles can help us better reflect God’s nature, better do his work, and better fulfill his desire in our lives.

SEVEN PROMISES From the Words of Jesus

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

The promises made by Jesus are among the most important words in the Scriptures. There are actually only seven unconditional and ongoing promises that Jesus made regarding his relationship with his followers, but these promises apply to believers in every age – and it is these seven vital promises that this book examines.

THE CENTURIONS: Lessons from Ten New Testament Men of Valor

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

The New Testament records the interaction of ten Roman military men with Christ and the early Christians. These ten men are shown as men of honor and valor who all played some role in establishing and furthering the Christian faith.

THE POWER OF SPEECH: The Potent Force Every Christian is Called to Use Daily

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

The Bible makes the dual power of speech – to hurt and to help – clear when it tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21 ESV).  This free e-book shows how you can stop harming yourself and others through what you say – and start using the power of speech for good.

HOW TO FORGIVE: Learning to Give the Gift We Receive

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

Whenever the need to forgive comes up, or to prepare you for when it does, our latest free e-book is designed to help you. How to Forgive looks at forgiveness from a practical perspective, showing what the Bible actually teaches about this vitally important subject and how we can best apply the guidance it gives us.

RUTH: A Story of Strength, Loyalty, and Kindness

By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

Many people who read the book of Ruth think of it as a simple love story, but in reality it is far from simple, and it is not really a “love story” in the modern sense of “romantic love” either! 


By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

We live in an age when courage is seldom found and often unappreciated or even scorned when it is seen. But the Bible commands us to utilize courage in many areas of our lives and shows, in fact, that we must have courage if we are to please God. This book explains why courage is not just for heroes and looks at how we can have courage in our own lives – and why courage is so vitally important for every Christian. This is a book that may change many aspects of your life.


By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

Instead of focusing only on the stories we know well about Peter and the other leading disciples, whenever possible this book looks at what the Bible tells us about the group as a whole – information that often teaches profoundly important lessons that were written for our education.


By R. Herbert
Tactical Belief Books, 2024

This book is for new Christians and established believers alike. It takes a fresh look at what the Bible really says about prayer – about how we should pray and what we should pray.  Some of the answers might surprise you, but this is a book that may transform your prayer life. It will certainly enable you to enhance your prayer starting immediately – by showing you how to more fully and effectively use the direct line that you have been given.

Note that the audio-book is a condensed version of the full-length e-book. The audio file may be streamed from this website or downloaded for use on your own device.


Go Ahead and Complain!

Go Ahead and Complain!

“Do everything without complaining” (Philippians 2:14) Is it wrong for Christians to complain?  Of course, the apostle Paul’s injunction in Philippians 2:14 is clear and is a principle we should follow. But at the same time, does this mean we should never...

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Atheists have long pointed to the suffering in the world as “proof” that God cannot exist – claiming that if God were all powerful and all loving, he would not let suffering occur.  But to find the very simple answer to this dilemma of why suffering exists, we...

Balancing Witnessing with Wisdom

Balancing Witnessing with Wisdom

Jesus' final words before his ascension – “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) – make it clear that his followers were commissioned to serve as witnesses of his life, death, and resurrection,...