by Staff | Dec 1, 2015 | Bible Study, Updates
Our new free eBook, THE BIBLE IN
KEY SCRIPTURES ON 36 BIBLICAL TOPICS by R. Herbert, is now online and ready for download from our sister site,
This eBook is a basic introduction to Christianity and was designed for personal study or missionary use. It explains thirty-six “key” Christian beliefs and principles of living in a straightforward, easy to understand manner, with introductory text and five key verses for each subject.
The book also includes a question for personal reflection on each topic and can be used to review key scriptures, for sermon and Bible Study preparation, or for inspirational reading.
As is the case with all our eBooks, THE BIBLE IN FIVE VERSES is completely free and you can download a copy for yourself without any kind of registration or hassle. Just download the book in the format you prefer here.
by Staff | Aug 30, 2015 | Overcoming
Today we uploaded an extract from an article by
Bible Advocate editor
Jason Overman originally published back in 2007. Called “Conquest and Cravings: Food, Sex, and Baal Peor,” this unusual article looks at the use and misuse of the twin pulls of food and sex throughout biblical history.
As the article states: “The Bible explores food and sex and their potential for blessing or curse throughout its pages. In story, in law, in poetry, the pairing of the two — in ways subtle or obvious — admonishes us of their dangers and delights. They warn that we must master our appetite or be mastered by it.”
The combination of food, sex, and the ancient pagan god Baal frequently led to the downfall of the ancient Israelites. Read our extract from “Conquest and Cravings” and see how the lesson from these ancient attractions is one from which we can still profit today. You can read the extract here.
by Staff | Aug 13, 2015 | Updates
We have uploaded three titles to our “Books in Brief” page – a classic, a recent title, and the soon to be released (and eagerly anticipated) new book by Eric Metaxas. You can check out the micro-reviews of these books
by Staff | Jun 28, 2015 | Updates, Warriors of the Way
Warriors of the Way: Christian Training, Combat and Victory –
by R. Herbert. A new FREE eBook!
Does a “warrior” themed book about Christian living surprise you? Perhaps it should not – not only is God shown as a warrior figure more often than he is portrayed in any other way in the Bible, but also the New Testament frequently uses the image of the Christian as a warrior. In fact, the warrior metaphor is probably used of the believer more than that of any other role or occupation.
Our new eBook looks at the biblical imagery of the Christian warrior and shows how we can better understand it to successfully prepare, fight, and triumph in the good fight to which we are called.
You can see a sample excerpt from Warriors of the Way in the blog post directly below this one, and you can download a free copy of the book for yourself (no registration or email needed) in PDF, Kindle, or ePub format – just click your choice on our Downloads page here.
by Staff | May 15, 2015 | Bible Study, Discipleship, Updates
Our new
Lessons in Christian Living from the Early Church is now available for download.
This book looks at lessons we can learn and apply in our own lives from the history of the early Church as recorded in the Book of Acts. Although not a commentary in the usual sense, The Early Church explains the background to many of the personalities, events, and situations described in Acts, while drawing practical lessons from the story that you can use today.
As with all our eBooks, The Early Church is free and free from advertising or the need to register to download – simply choose the format you would like and start reading!
You can download the book directly here.
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