by Staff | Feb 20, 2014 | Updates
Readers on this site may be interested in a book review we posted on our sister site today:
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus was just published a few days ago, and it is a book that will resonate powerfully among the Christians and Muslims who read it. It’s a moving and inspiring account that you might well enjoy and find profitable. You can read the review
We will also be posting a new selection of books on this site in the coming week or so.
Update, 02/22/’14: New books are now posted to our Books in Brief page!
by Staff | Jan 30, 2014 | Updates
The parents of are happy to announce the arrival of TC.O’s sister site! The new site weighed in at a healthy five pages and is already receiving lots of visitors – we hope you will visit, too.
As the site’s title suggests, is dedicated to the biblical concept of faith, and its aim is to provide focused information on what faith is, how we obtain it, and how we continue to develop it. It’s about faith, but it’s about the life of faith, too. Articles, blog posts and in-depth book reviews aim to help you learn and grow in this vital area. In short, our new site’s goal is to help you better understand the process of living with faith.
We hope to see you there!
by Staff | Jan 1, 2014 | Updates
2014 finds us with many good things planned for the site. A new selection of books is up, with new quotes, links and articles on the way. Our site has been invited to become a charter site of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid and you can see the Bible Gateway logo on the sidebar.
We have many new articles already written, planned or arranged, some by familiar names and some by authors new to the site. The first of these new articles should be up very soon, then we have more new material planned for every week of the year. We hope that you will enjoy it, and that you will find it helpful in your Christian walk.
Although only three months old, our site is already reaching a great many people and our goal is to increase its reach and impact throughout this coming year. You can help by sharing the site with a friend and we hope that you will.
May you be blessed as you grow and serve throughout 2014!
by Staff | Dec 31, 2013 | Updates
It seems that it is now de rigueur for blogs to give a list of the top 5, 10, or even 20 or more posts from the past year – those obtaining the highest number of pageviews or downloads.
For our own site, the winners are given below. If you are new to the site, or missed any of these top ten posts along the way, check them out and enjoy:
by Staff | Dec 29, 2013 | Updates
The previous blog post, “A Direct Private Line,” is meant to be lightly written, and basic, but the points it makes are ones for which we can all be seriously thankful. I hope it gives you food for thought as you do “phone home.”
Speaking of phones, the webpages are optimized for viewing on phone size screens as well as on the computer, so you can use your smart phone to check for new content or to catch up without feeling you are trying to navigate all over a large page with a small device. If you are not using the site’s RSS feed to check for new content, setting your smart phone’s browser bookmark at the Blog page is probably the quickest way to see what’s new – and you can jump from here, of course, to articles or other pages as you wish. If you are like me, you may prefer to do most of your reading on a larger screen, but it’s good to know you can use your phone to check out the latest blog posting while on your lunch break or to catch an article on the train commute!
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