Tactical Christianity Blog

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Literal or Figurative?

Literal or Figurative?

Anyone who has read more than a few chapters of the Bible soon comes to realize that the Scriptures contain some things that are meant to be understood figuratively or symbolically rather than...

Why Faith Needs Patience

Why Faith Needs Patience

“we ourselves boast of ... your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure” (2 Thessalonians 1:4 NKJV). The Bible often speaks of faith and patience in combination...

Love Is Not All You Need

Love Is Not All You Need

“All you need is love, love, love is all you need, love is all you need …”  - The Beetles. It may have been a smash hit, but the Beetles’ 1967 song “All you need is love” is not exactly good...

A Tale of Two Rabbis

A Tale of Two Rabbis

Around the turn of our present era – just before and during the life of Jesus – two Jewish rabbis lived and rose to considerable fame. Even if you have heard of one or both of these teachers of the...

Learn It, Live It, Give It!

Learn It, Live It, Give It!

There is an interesting verse in the biblical book of Ezra that every Christian can profit from: “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its...

New! – Free Christian E-Book Short Podcasts!

New! – Free Christian E-Book Short Podcasts!

Don’t have time to read a whole e-book? Want to get the key ideas and principles in just a few minutes?  Or perhaps you would like to get a better idea of what an e-book is all about before...

A New Year’s Goal – Take a Free Bible Course!

A New Year’s Goal – Take a Free Bible Course!

If you are looking for a truly worthwhile goal to set for this new year, consider taking one of the many Bible courses that are available online. A good number, such as those available from...

The Immanuel Promise

The Immanuel Promise

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).There have been endless arguments between Christians and non-Christians through history as to...

A Lion in a Pit on a Snowy Day

A Lion in a Pit on a Snowy Day

Among the band of heroes that the Bible tells us were King David’s leading warriors –  his “special forces operatives” –  one warrior is particularly interesting.  David’s chief...

Are You Living in the Now?

Are You Living in the Now?

We are all time travelers to some extent. Most of us spend at least part of our lives reliving the past or thinking about the future.  This is not necessarily wrong – we were given memories to...

Humility and Service

Humility and Service

When we see the words humility and service together, it is easy to think immediately of the humility of Jesus in serving humanity (Mark 10:45) and of the humility his followers are called to show in...

Go Ahead and Complain!

Go Ahead and Complain!

“Do everything without complaining” (Philippians 2:14) Is it wrong for Christians to complain?  Of course, the apostle Paul’s injunction in Philippians 2:14 is clear and is a principle we...