Tactical Christianity Blog

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Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020
During the course of this past year we published well over a hundred blog posts here and on our sister sites. The list below gives the twelve posts that were most popular on this site, so...
Understanding Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus
Biblical genealogies are things most of us read, accept and move on in our reading. But the genealogy Matthew gives for Jesus at the beginning of his Gospel has a particularly interesting...
The Master of De-escalation
Whether it is in international politics or in interpersonal relations, de-escalation of difficult and potentially dangerous situations is vital to the preservation of peace. Not surprisingly,...
Season of Abundance – and Forgiveness?
The Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate in the United States is one in which we hopefully give thanks for the abundance or "overflow" of good things we have been given. A biblical verse often...
A New, FREE, Bible Course!
CORNERSTONE CERTIFICATE BIBLE COURSE It may be exactly what you have been looking for. You can download Cornerstone's free course units and study them on your computer, tablet, or...
Why Christians Should Vote
From "10 Reasons Christians Should Vote in the Election" by Dr. Krish Kandiah. 1. Voting publicly recognizes that we submit to the authority of the political system in our nation as...
New Free E-Book Editions!
LESSONS FROM THE LIFE OF JESUS: PRACTICAL INSIGHTS FROM THE GOSPELS – NEW EDITIONS! Our free e-book, Lessons from the Life of Jesus, has always been one of our most popular titles, and...
What Does it Mean to Love Others as Ourselves?
“Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39).In summarizing the greatest commandments, Jesus quoted Leviticus 19:18 to affirm the commandment to “love your neighbor as...
The First Two Minutes of Life
The title of this blog post is not talking about the beginning of physical life at conception or birth or the beginning of our spiritual lives at conversion. It is talking about the first two...
Understanding the Psalms of Vengeance
“My God … do not remain silent …Appoint someone evil to oppose my enemy; let an accuser stand at his right hand. When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn...
Another New (and Free) e-Book For You!
The Worst Kind of Pride
It is often said that pride – in the sense of self-elevation rather than what we call being “proud” of other people, such as our children, team, or school, etc....