Tactical Christianity Blog

Our Latest Posts

Why the Sermon on the Mount?

Why the Sermon on the Mount?

​The Sermon on the Mount is a central part of the teachings of Jesus that we all know – it  demonstrates the essential nature of the Christian way of life as much as any part of...

Saying and Doing What Comes Naturally

Saying and Doing What Comes Naturally

H​ow many times, if ever,  have you heard someone say “white and black” for “black and white” or “potatoes and meat” instead of...

The Wait is Over,Our New Free E-Book Is Here!

The Wait is Over,Our New Free E-Book Is Here!

Patience seems to come naturally for some people – even in very difficult situations – while others are not so fortunate.  But learning patience with people and circumstances is a...

What “I Can Do All Things…” Really Means

What “I Can Do All Things…” Really Means

 “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) It’s a verse we all know, a verse that quarterback Tim Tebow inscribed in his eye black, one...

The Psalm Behind the Words

The Psalm Behind the Words

Two of the Gospel writers –  Matthew and Mark –  record that near his death Jesus called out with a seemingly strange statement: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out...

Quarantined or Sheltering in Place?

Quarantined or Sheltering in Place?

If you are quarantined right now because of the COVID-19 virus or just sheltering in place, or perhaps not working because of the situation, you may have more time on your hands than you know what...

Another New (Free!) E-Book for You

Another New (Free!) E-Book for You

​SCRIPTURES IN QUESTION:                                              ANSWERS TO APPARENT BIBLICAL CONTRADICTIONS    ​By R. Herbert               Every year new and even well-established believers...

One Walk – Three Parts

One Walk – Three Parts

The Continental United States has thousands of walking and hiking trails, but the three most important are the Pacific Crest Trail that follows the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges in the...

The Story of Abigail: Taking Evasive Action

The Story of Abigail: Taking Evasive Action

If you have read the Bible’s account of King David’s life, you will remember the story of Abigail – the woman who became one of David’s wives (1 Samuel 25). Her story is...

Another Free E-Book for You!

Another Free E-Book for You!

LESSONS FROM OLD TESTAMENT LEADERS: PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP FOR EVERYDAY LIVING   ​ By R. Herbert The Bible is a book about leaders. More than 95 percent of its stories are about individuals who...

Where’s the Blog?

Where’s the Blog?

Two of our three websites (this one and LivingWithFaith.org) have blogs, and we usually publish a post on each of these two sites every week.  But in order to concentrate on production of new...

Biblical Body Language

Biblical Body Language

There is a language you can learn in order to better understand many verses in the Bible. That language is not Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic  –  it is simply the...