Tactical Christianity Blog

Our Latest Posts
Are You Afraid of Change?
Are you afraid of change? I’ll admit it right up front: I often am. In fact, at some level we all are. Psychological studies have found that people are often afraid of change in their lives...
The Most Popular Posts of 2019
During the course of the past year we published over a hundred blog posts here and on our sister site. The list below gives the 12 posts that were the favorites on this site, so check out the list...
Giving Wisely, Boldly, and More than You Think!
The holiday season and the end of the year are traditionally times for giving to help those less fortunate than ourselves, and even many people who do not normally give to charitable causes...
Five Paths to Encouragement
The Bible has much to say about encouragement – and shows that it is something even the strongest individuals of faith need at times (Moses, David, and Elijah, to name only three). The...
More Free E-Books (and Now Bibles) for You!
A few weeks ago we announced our new website, FreeChristianEBooks.org, dedicated to making quality Christian e-books (our own and selected others) freely available for reading on any computer,...
Blessings and Honor
There is a sobering but meaningful verse in the Book of Malachi regarding the blessings we have been given. In this scripture God says: “If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to...
A Shortage of Good Women?
Scripture in Focus: Ecclesiastes 7:28 “while I was still searching but not finding – I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all”...
A New Website (with Free Books) for You!
We are very happy to announce the launch of our latest website: Free Christian E-Books! Our new site brings you more food for the soul – in the form of Christian e-books...
How Do We Please God?
The more we grow spiritually, the more we desire to please God; but how do we most effectively do that? The New Testament mentions a number of ways in which we should please God...
First Responders vs. First Responses
The men and women who constitute our first responders – the police, fire, paramedics and other public servants – selflessly accomplish an untold amount of good for which we all...
Lessons from the Parables: A New (Free) Edition of Our Popular Book!
THE CITY ON A HILL: LESSONS FROM THE PARABLES OF JESUSBy R. Herbert. Second edition, revised and expanded, Living Belief Books, 2019. ISBN 978-1-942573-62-3This new edition of one of...
Which Biblical Laws Still Apply Today?
The subject of which Biblical laws apply today can be confusing for many Christians. This is because some claim a great many of the laws given to ancient Israel still apply today while others claim...