Tactical Christianity Blog

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The Fight for Freedom

The Fight for Freedom

Today, Sunday September 22, is widely observed as Freedom Sunday – a day dedicated to stopping the human trafficking and slavery that is rampant in the world in which we live. Many...

The Whole Truth?

The Whole Truth?

We are familiar with the legal requirement that a person must promise in court to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” and certainly the Scriptures clearly and...

Which is Biblical –  Peacemaking or Pacifism?

Which is Biblical –  Peacemaking or Pacifism?

Does the Bible teach peacemaking (the avoidance of conflict when it is possible) or pacifism (the complete avoidance of conflict under any circumstances)?  It’s especially confusing for...

Books, Books, and More Books!

Books, Books, and More Books!

Our recent e-book production schedule has precluded us from updating our "Books in Brief" review page for a while, but we have finally been able to select a few more titles to recommend to you!...

Discovering the Bible –  Free E-Book!

Discovering the Bible – Free E-Book!

DISCOVERING THE BIBLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO EACH OF ITS BOOKS ​By R. Herbert, Tactical Belief Books, 2019ISBN 978-1-64370-227-8     Our latest free e-book is...

When It’s Hard to Pray

When It’s Hard to Pray

Even great writers occasionally experience “writer’s block” – the seeming inability to write a few meaningful sentences – despite the fact that they may regularly...

Three Tests of Our Religion

Three Tests of Our Religion

The apostle James uses the word “religion” in a specific sense.  Rather than meaning religion in the sense of the body of beliefs we hold (as in “the Christian...

A Balanced Prescription for Self-Worth

A Balanced Prescription for Self-Worth

 Self-esteem is a “hot item” these days.  For several decades we have been told that a strong concept of self-worth is absolutely vital for mental health and wellbeing. ...

The Story of Ananias: Faith over Fear

The Story of Ananias: Faith over Fear

​Acts 9 tells the story of the conversion of Saul, one of Christianity’s greatest early enemies, to Paul - one of the faith’s greatest servants.  The chapter not only tells us that Saul was...

Watchful and Thankful

Watchful and Thankful

The apostle Paul begins and ends his letter to the Colossians on the subject of prayer.  He begins his epistle speaking about how he prayed for the Colossian believers (Colossians 1:3, 9) and...

Was Jesus Really a Carpenter?

Was Jesus Really a Carpenter?

Although most of the world thinks that before beginning his ministry Jesus Christ was “the Carpenter of Nazareth,” biblical scholars know that it is not at all certain that Jesus was a...

Summer Blog Schedule

Summer Blog Schedule

Summer is here (in the northern hemisphere, at least!) and we will be going to our summer blog schedule.  Although our sites receive hundreds of thousands of visitors, the summer months of June...