Tactical Christianity Blog

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Moving Beyond Acceptance

Moving Beyond Acceptance

Although we may know the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) well, there is an aspect of that story that is easy to miss – one that lies at the very heart of the parable’s...

Christian Athiests?

Christian Athiests?

​It may sound like a contradiction in terms, but in ancient Rome Christians were often called atheists.   Most people in the Roman Empire believed that there were many gods, and the...

The Courage of Irena Sendler

The Courage of Irena Sendler

You may have never heard the name of Irena Sendler (15 February 1910 – 12 May 2008), but hers is a name that deserves to live on and one that you should know.  Born Irena...

The Master of Patience

The Master of Patience

If we were asked “Who was the most patient man in the Bible?” many of us might answer “Job,” as the Scriptures specifically refer to the patience of the afflicted...

“And Peter”

“And Peter”

“… go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you’” (Mark 16:7).One of the unique aspects of...

The Man with the Water Jar

The Man with the Water Jar

Scripture in Focus – Mark 14:12-13The Gospels give an intriguing detail to the story of the preparation for the Last Supper.  Mark tells us: On the first day of the Festival of...

Getting Strength Right

Getting Strength Right

It’s a verse that every Christian knows well: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong”(1 Corinthians 16:13). But it’s easy to know the verse...

A New FREE eBook For You!

A New FREE eBook For You!

Gratitude may be one of the most important qualities we can develop in this life, yet many Christians do not seriously focus on growing in this area. After showing why gratitude is good for us, both...

Understanding an Unwise Vow

Understanding an Unwise Vow

If you have read it, you doubtless remember the story of Jephthah, the Old Testament leader (Judges 11) who vowed to sacrifice the first thing that walked out of his house when he returned home if...

Learning to Do Right

Learning to Do Right

“Learn to do right …” (Isaiah 1:17).Isaiah’s statement “Learn to do right” is simple enough, but it deserves looking at.  In the ancient Hebrew in...

Reading the Least-Read Book in the Bible

Reading the Least-Read Book in the Bible

Which is the least-read book in the Bible?  Many people might guess one of the long Old Testament books of Leviticus or Numbers with their detailed technical descriptions and lists, but the...