Tactical Christianity Blog

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One Feather at a Time
Eagles are magnificent birds. It is easy to see why they are called the “King of the Birds” and, as a result, why various myths have grown up around them. One of the most...
A Window and a Mirror
We take glass for granted – it’s everywhere in our lives, in windows, windshields, mirrors, bottles and so many other things. But glass is one of the very few solid substances...
The Apostle Who Didn’t Come to Dinner
He had been invited, of course – not that he needed an invitation! – and we had saved a place for him. But he had not come to dinner for the past week, and it was...
What’s the Difference?
What’s the difference between our two websites – TacticalChristianity.org and LivingWithfaith.org ? It’s a question we are sometimes asked, so we thought we would...
Flight School
“Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft” (Deuteronomy 32:11). A good deal of “urban...
Fulfilling Three Goals at one Time
One of the primary laws of success is not to try to pursue too many goals at one time. When we attempt many goals at once, we tend to stretch our efforts too thin – and if we are not...
Puah and Shiprah: Pro-Life Heroes of Old
Puah and Shiprah were the two women mentioned in the Book of Exodus who were in charge of the midwives who delivered the Israelite children in Egypt. Exodus tells us: “The king of Egypt said to...
A Sandwich with Money in the Gospel of Mark
If you have read the Gospel of Mark, you may well have noticed examples of what scholars call “interpolations” or, more playfully, Markan “sandwiches.” These are sections...
Who Is My Friend?
We all remember the story of the teacher of the law who asked Jesus, “Who is my Neighbor?” This was the question that prompted Jesus to reply with the Parable of the Good Samaritan – showing...
Striving Together
By John Teichert“Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand...
Did God Create Borders?
By Philip W. Shields Any of you who have travelled abroad realize you have to go through Customs, have a passport, in some cases show your visa as well, declare your purpose for coming into...
Need Some Free Encouragement? Get the New Edition of One of Our Most Popular Books!
Some Days We Soar: Words of Encouragement for the Christian Life has always been one of our most popular free e-books, with a huge number of copies having been downloaded. The book is a practical...