Tactical Christianity Blog

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Empathy: The Virtue You May Be Neglecting

Empathy: The Virtue You May Be Neglecting

The word empathy doesn’t appear in most translations of the Bible (although the concept is certainly there), so we don’t tend to think of it as a powerful biblical idea like faith,...

Time to Pay Attention!

Time to Pay Attention!

Most of us at some point in our lives have experienced parents, elementary school teachers, driving instructors, drill sergeants, or others saying “Pay attention!”  If we heard...

Humility, Dependence, Exaltation, Repeat!

Humility, Dependence, Exaltation, Repeat!

​​ “The Bible … has rhythms. If we examine the people who did great works for God, most of them underwent a similar pattern. God humbled them, taught them the...

Making Gratitude Last

Making Gratitude Last

It’s a peculiar aspect of human nature that we remember the bad things that happen in our lives so much better than we remember the good things. We may remember painful events from years ago...

A Story of Strength, Loyalty, and Kindness

A Story of Strength, Loyalty, and Kindness

If you have read the biblical book of Ruth, you probably think you know it well. But whether you have read it once or many times, we think you will find a lot more in this beautiful story with the...

A New, FREE, E-Book for You!

A New, FREE, E-Book for You!

RUTH: A STORY OF STRENGTH, LOYALTY, AND KINDNESS             By R. Herbert, Living Belief Books, 2018.   ISBN 978-1-64370-603-0  ...

Two Views of Life

Two Views of Life

Christian Living in an Increasingly Polarized Age By R. Herbert ​ Conservatives and liberals?  There have probably always been two ways to look at life. We only have to look back to New Testament...

Warm Hearts and Cold Feet in the Book of Ruth

Warm Hearts and Cold Feet in the Book of Ruth

Scripture in Focus  Ruth 3:1-15 ​In the Book of Ruth, the heroine’s mother-in-law, Naomi, tells the widowed Ruth: ​“My daughter, I must find a home for you, where you will be well provided for.  Now...

Thinking the Thoughts

Thinking the Thoughts

“How great are your works, LORD, how profound your thoughts!” (Psalm 92:5). Although we may be more used to offering praise to God for his deeds rather than his thoughts, Psalm...

Does God Create Evil?

Does God Create Evil?

 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7 KJV).In the King James version of the Bible quoted above, this...

The Other Side of Honesty

The Other Side of Honesty

​We might not often think of it this way, but honesty has two sides – an “outside” and an “inside.” Honesty isn’t just about what we tell others, it...

Safe House: The Story of Rahab

Safe House: The Story of Rahab

​“Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies …‘Go, look over the land,’ he said, ‘especially Jericho.’ So they went and entered the house of a...