Tactical Christianity Blog

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The Prophet Nathan: True Service through Tough Love
The prophet Nathan served during the reigns of both King David and his son Solomon. Although Nathan was usually “behind the scenes” during the reigns of these kings, it is probable that no other...
Are You Confusing Trust with Forgiveness?
Everyone understands that trust and forgiveness are different things, yet it is easy to confuse them in actual life. Sometimes people feel that trust is part of forgiveness and that they...
A New (Free) E-Book for You!
You may not know at this moment when you will need to exercise forgiveness, but you can be certain that sooner or later you will have to forgive someone for something. Perhaps right now there is an...
Context is Everything
Photo of clouds and hillside looks upside down until we realize the context - that we are seeing a reflection in a mountain lake. Everyone who begins to study the Bible eventually learns...
Jumping to Conclusions
An old joke says that the only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, but assuming the worst of situations and people is a problem we are all guilty of at times – sometimes all...
Another Look at the “Lord’s Prayer”
Apart from telling us WHAT to Pray, the “Lord’s Prayer” shows us in at least three ways HOW to pray! The “Lord’s Prayer” is a profound outline or guide for prayer. It...
Helping the Sick: Another Look at “The Great Commission”
Most readers of the scriptures are familiar with the “Great Commission” given by Jesus to his disciples after his resurrection. Many can recite it by heart: “Therefore go and make...
“An Eye for an Eye”: A Law of Revenge or Restraint?
Was the Old Testament law of “an eye for an eye” a brutal law of revenge, or something very different? – And how can the answer help us understand Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount? The principle of...
When Prayer is Unanswered
Every Christian experiences answered prayer. Every Christian experiences unanswered prayer. It’s easy to appreciate the former and then to move on, but unanswered prayer sticks with...
The Importance of Context
The English word “context” is derived from two Latin words meaning “to weave threads” (contextus, from con- 'together' + texere 'to weave') and so our word signifies that...
Discipleship Illustrated
“We must hang together, or we’ll hang separately.” “. . . ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for...
Sampson: Seriously Flawed, Used Seriously
We are amazingly reluctant to realize that our heroes have faults. When it becomes glaringly obvious, we toss them aside, capes torn, shields tarnished, heroes no longer.This must be why we find it...