Tactical Christianity Blog

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The Christian Climb

The Christian Climb

An Alpine Symphony, by Richard Strauss, depicts a dawn to dusk climb up a mountain. Why do we climb mountains?  You can get almost as many answers to that question as you can find climbers to...

Facing the Future Without Fear

Facing the Future Without Fear

Business failures. Layoffs. A shaky stock market and weak economy. It’s not hard to find things to be anxious over today. If it’s not national crises, a variety of everyday problems can disturb us:...

Using “The Lord’s Prayer” as a Guide

Using “The Lord’s Prayer” as a Guide

The New Testament tells us that one day a disciple asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”  Jesus  replied: “When you pray, say …” and then he proceeded to...

In a Hurry to be Patient: A Personal Confession

In a Hurry to be Patient: A Personal Confession

Is patience a gene?  I have always been impatient.  Overcoming this failing is part of my personal climb. I have read the biblical verses relating to this subject many times over and some...

​Do We “Pray Without Ceasing”?

​Do We “Pray Without Ceasing”?

Scripture says in many places that we are to “pray always” or to pray “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 6:18, etc.).  How can we possibly do that? What does that...

Seeing Double

Seeing Double

​Have you ever thought about how the Bible emphasizes many of its important points? Of course, the original writers of the Scriptures could not utilize large print, highlighting or colored...

Being Encouraged by Our Discouragement

Being Encouraged by Our Discouragement

Ironic as it might seem, the further we progress along the Way to which we are called as Christians, the more it seems we see the failings and errors  of our own nature.   That can be...

Burning Coals

Burning Coals

​Scripture in Focus:“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will...

The Ups and Downs of Life

The Ups and Downs of Life

 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven …” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).Unless you live on a balmy tropical island where the temperatures stay...

Are New Year’s Resolutions Unbiblical?

Are New Year’s Resolutions Unbiblical?

​Every year countless people make “New Year’s resolutions” – setting goals ranging from cleaning out closets to getting more exercise.  Many people make...

Our Most Popular Posts of 2017

Our Most Popular Posts of 2017

​During the course of this past year we published well over a hundred blog posts here and on our sister site.The list below gives the twelve posts that were most popular on this site, so...