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What Shepherds Do

What Shepherds Do

​​“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters... Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of...

Christianity’s Beachheads

Christianity’s Beachheads

World War II Memorial on Omaha Beach, Normandy, France ​Militarily, a beachhead (so named because it is often a literal area of beach on a sea coast) is an area that an army secures as the...

A New FREE E-Book for You!

A New FREE E-Book for You!

The four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – lie at the very heart of Christianity, recording its most essential teachings and providing us with most of what we know about the...

Twelve Tweetable Thanksgiving Thoughts

Twelve Tweetable Thanksgiving Thoughts

Twelve thoughts you can read and perhaps tweet this week – each with a point worth thinking about. The thanksgiving difference:​1) “When I started counting my blessings, my...

Going Beyond Good

Going Beyond Good

​The letters of the apostle Paul to the Thessalonian church – a strong church that Paul had planted and nurtured – are, in effect, spiritual report cards. The context is clear;...

Allies, Preparation, and Persistence

Allies, Preparation, and Persistence

​The story of David and Goliath may be the most famous conflict story in the Bible, but an earlier battle fought by Abram, before his name was changed to Abraham, was perhaps even more...

The 80% Prayer Principle

The 80% Prayer Principle

By R. Herbert Not all prayer is asking for something, but a great deal of it obviously is.  When we do ask, do we pray mainly for our own physical and spiritual needs and concerns?   There is no...

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

​It may not sound like a very spiritual question, but it is a serious one. Few of us are in danger of not getting enough sleep because we participate in all night sessions of prayer and...

Truth and Consequences

Truth and Consequences

​Should you always tell the truth?  If you don’t know what the Bible says on this topic, you may be surprised!  But first, let me state clearly that the Bible makes it very...

Take Courage!

Take Courage!

​ “… Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! …” (Matthew 14:27) The Bible contains many stories of courage.  Some, such as the account of the young David fighting the giant Goliath, come...

Why Did King Solomon Execute his own Brother?

Why Did King Solomon Execute his own Brother?

Scripture in Focus:1 Kings 2:13-25The Book of 1 Kings tells us that near the beginning of his reign, King Solomon had his own brother Adonijah executed  (1 Kings 2:13-25). Solomon is praised...

When Your Fuse Burns Down

When Your Fuse Burns Down

The Bible talks a lot about patience, and anyone who reads the Scriptures can’t help but notice the many verses that address this aspect of human relations.  What is less obvious is that...