Tactical Christianity Blog

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Cutting Back to Move Forward

Cutting Back to Move Forward

“Therefore … let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1 ESV).Every New Year...

Twelve Favorites of 2015

Twelve Favorites of 2015

​​During the course of this past year we published well over a hundred blog posts here and on our sister site.This list of "Twelve Favorites" gives you the posts that were most popular...

The Gifts the Wise Men Gave

The Gifts the Wise Men Gave

Although many give gifts to each other at this time of year, supposedly in honor of the gifts the Magi or “wise men” gave to Jesus, perhaps we can find a timely reminder in...

The Gift of Light

The Gift of Light

Here at TacticalChristianity.org we are always on the lookout for people doing good work that we can recommend and about which we can spread the word. One such project which is well established, but...

Running with Vision

Running with Vision

By Naomi A. Hernandez, Christian Athlete, Biathlete, Ultra-Runner.​“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)Do you have a...

The Bible in Five Verses:  New Free eBook

The Bible in Five Verses:  New Free eBook

​Our new free eBook, THE BIBLE IN FIVE VERSES: KEY SCRIPTURES ON 36 BIBLICAL TOPICS by R. Herbert, is now online and ready for download from our sister site, LivingWithFaith.org. This eBook is a...

At the Heart of Pride

At the Heart of Pride

​“The LORD detests all the proud of heart …”  (Proverbs 16:5). As the old saying goes: at the heart of pride, just as at the heart of sin, is “I.”...

Beyond Thankful

The Bible contains many scriptures urging us to be thankful – verses many of us know well and may even have memorized; but this article is not about being thankful, it’s about what we...

What Extreme Loyalty Looks Like

What Extreme Loyalty Looks Like

​In the Old Testament Book of Numbers there is an interesting story about the prophet Balaam. This individual seems to have been a man who knew of the true God, but who was nevertheless a...

Pray for the Persecuted

Today is the first of three days set aside in the month of November as International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Nov. 1, 15, 22).There is much information available regarding the...

A Hero Like You and Me

A Hero Like You and Me

We are very happy to be publishing an excellent article by Angela Martin today. The article is about the biblical hero Sampson (Judges 13-16) and is an adaptation of one of the author's recent...