Tactical Christianity Blog

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Asa – A Tale of Fortresses and Faith
*Note: We began this occasional series "Lessons from the Kings" on our sister site – LivingWithFaith.org – but we realized that many of the themes and details of the series fit...
New Series! – Lessons from the Kings
*Note: We began this occasional series on our sister site – LivingWithFaith.org – but looking ahead we realized that many of the themes and details of the series will fit better on...
The Growing Seed
Perhaps the most difficult concept for the original hearers of the teachings of Jesus to understand was that of the Kingdom of God. Doubtless because of that fact, and its centrality in his message,...
What the Cavemen Learned
I’m not talking about prehistoric Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon “cavemen” here – I'm actually thinking of two men of God who at different times in biblical history both...
What Do You See?
Have you ever noticed, when reading the Gospels, how often we are told that Jesus noticed something, saw something? We are frequently told that he observed those around him:...
I Want That Mountain!
Mt. Everest from Base Camp Today, Chomolungma, known around the world as Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is regularly climbed due to the availability of modern equipment and...
Which Side Are You On?
“We see so much more when we are willing to change our point of view.” Reading an email, letter or other message is psychologically simple – we know that someone is...
Beyond Elysium
The 2013 American science fiction film Elysium, starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster, creates the world of 2154 in which Earth has become ravaged and slum-like, and the rich go off-planet to live in...
What Forgiving and Forgetting Really Means
We all know the wisdom of the old saying that we should “forgive and forget” and although that exact phrase does not appear in the Bible, it does summarize Biblical principles of...
Mobile Inspiration: The Bible App Project
There are a number of useful Bible apps out there that can be run on smart phones or computers. However, a new start-up - The Bible App Project – is planning some fresh and we think...
Diversifying Investments in Life – and the Word
The Book of Ecclesiastes is profound at many points, but it’s not exactly my first choice as an upbeat inspirational book. Solomon (presuming he was the author) tends to look at the...
Not Rushing to Anger
The Bible gives us good advice on how to deal with feelings of anger - something that we all experience from time to time. However, perhaps the clearest and most detailed example of this...