Tactical Christianity Blog

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Living With Faith
If you are a newcomer to this site, or don’t often check out our other Christian site – LivingWithFaith.org – be sure to take a look over there. We have different...
Speak Up … You Just Might Be Heard!
As Christians it is easy to become desensitized to the bad and the not so good aspects of the world around us. We learn to look away from advertisements, images, words and media content that...
Charlie Mike!
Sometimes military missions go wrong. It may be just a small mishap, or it may be a major problem that endangers the success of the mission and the lives of those involved. At other times the...
The #WeAreN Campaign
The #WeAreN Campaign is bringing attention to persecuted Christians in Iraq. The campaign is named for the letter N or “Nun” in the Arabic alphabet (as shown in the illustration) which...
Following – At a Safe Distance
“Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest … But Peter followed him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. He entered and sat down with the guards to...
Coming Soon …
We have a great selection of biblically-based blogs planned for the coming weeks – topics to help you in growing your understanding and strengthening your walk. The same is true for our...
Global Christianity – Local Differences
A recent issue of Christianity Today carried a very interesting interview with researcher and author Dr. Philip Jenkins on Global Christianity. Dr. Jenkins was asked: “What are some...
HOW Many Times?
The words of Jesus concerning how many times we must forgive others – “till seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22) – are words every Christian knows and tries to keep...
Why Settle for Second Place?
As the twelve tribes of ancient Israel neared the land they had been promised, two and a half tribes – Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh – looked at the land where they...
The Only Way
Many believers do not realize that the term “Christian” is actually one which arose relatively late in the development of “Christianity.” Acts 11:26 tells us...
They hurl toward us at thousands of miles a second; if it were not for the earth’s protective magnetic field, life on this planet would suffer massive amounts of radiation from the charged...
From the twitter Stream
A short selection of recent tweets pulled from the twitter stream - food for thought or personal action! @jamesrgoodman – "No law can give me the right to do what is wrong."...