Tactical Christianity Blog

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Coming soon …

We have a great selection of biblically-based blogs planned for the coming weeks – topics to help you in growing your understanding and strengthening your walk.  The same is true for our...

Breakfast with Washington

Breakfast with Washington

In his classic survey of intelligence gathering, The Craft of Intelligence, Allen W. Dulles, the first civilian head of the CIA, gave an interesting anecdote about George Washington. During the...

Running on Empty

Running on Empty

Empty can be such a negative word: the empty glass, empty promises, an empty bank account, and perhaps worst of all is when we are driving late at night and far from a gas station and our fuel gauge...

From the twitter stream

From the twitter stream

A short selection of recent tweets pulled from the twitter stream -  food for thought, prayer, thankfulness or personal action!@biblegateway - If you give 100%, God will make up the difference!...

Three Triumphant Words

Three Triumphant Words

Most of us know what it feels like to finally accomplish something we have worked toward for a long time:  a goal, a dream, a project to which we have dedicated time and energy.  Even with...

How old was Jesus when he died?

This is one of those questions where many Christians believe they know the answer, but may not. Most people who know the Bible will answer that Christ died around the age of 33 or 33 and a half. But...

“The Last Supper” – Then and Now

“The Last Supper” – Then and Now

Are we really aware of the abundance that many enjoy in the developed world today – compared not only to less fortunate areas, but also compared to the past?  A fascinating but little...

Huge Cleft Charity “Smilestone”

Huge Cleft Charity “Smilestone”

Osawa - Image from SmileTrain Website The cleft repair charity Smile Train recently announced its greatest  “smilestone” to date – the one millionth cleft repair surgery...

Abraham and the “Blazing Torch”

Abraham and the “Blazing Torch”

Scripture in Focus: Genesis 15: 9-21  In Genesis 15:9-21 we find the story of God sealing his covenant with Abram (before he became Abraham) by means of animal sacrifices.  In response to...

From the twitter stream

From the twitter stream

A short selection of recent tweets pulled from the twitter stream -  food for thought, prayer, thankfulness or personal action!@biblegateway - A Bible falling apart belongs to someone who...

Noah News is Good News?

The controversial film "Noah" is finally in theaters and drawing large audiences, as was expected. If you haven't seen the news, most reviews seem to be positive, and Christianity Today awarded the...

The Three Doors

The Three Doors

There is an old story, I am not aware of its origin, that each day as we go into the world we pass through one of three doors.  The first door is the dark way, the door of evil intentions,...