Tactical Christianity Blog

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The Oldest Inscription of the Name of God

The Oldest Inscription of the Name of God

  Earlier this Spring, the Associates for Biblical Research, an American archaeological research group, announced the discovery of a curse text discovered on a small, folded lead tablet that...

A New (Free!) Edition of Spotlight on the Psalms!

A New (Free!) Edition of Spotlight on the Psalms!

A new, revised, and expanded edition of one of our more popular downloads – Spotlight on the Psalms: A Closer Look at One of the Bible's Best-Loved Books –  by R. Herbert, is now available for free...

At His Right and Left Hand

At His Right and Left Hand

​“Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. ‘Teacher,’ they said … ‘Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory’ ”(Mark 10:35-37). People will go...

The Priest, the Plot, and the Parable

The Priest, the Plot, and the Parable

Sometimes a little biblical detective work can open new windows into our understanding of the stories of the New Testament. The Priest The Gospel of John tells us that when Jesus was betrayed: “They...

New Free E-Book: Which Bible Should I Use?

New Free E-Book: Which Bible Should I Use?

It's often said that the best Bible is the one you will read. But given that basic truth, some Bible translations are better than others. Some translations make studying easier and more enjoyable,...

A Perfect Human Being?

A Perfect Human Being?

“In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil” (Job 1:1).“…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans...

The Christian and Self-Defense – A New Free E-Book

The Christian and Self-Defense – A New Free E-Book

Is it unchristian to resort to force in the defense of oneself or others?  The new book, The Christian and Self-Defense, by R. Herbert looks first at the biblical verses that are often used by those...

Warriors in Word, Thought, and Deed

Warriors in Word, Thought, and Deed

  The seasoned and successful warrior learns to recognize dangerous terrain from which ambush or sniper fire might come. This is just as true of the spiritual warrior as it is of physical soldiers –...

Choosing a Bible Translation

Choosing a Bible Translation

If we don’t read the original languages in which the books of the Bible were written – Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek –  we need a translation, and even scholars who can read those languages often don't...

Escaping from “Hell” – Twice!

Escaping from “Hell” – Twice!

The story of  Eun Hye is one that is typical of many who have come to believe while living in repressive and anti-Christian cultures.  Eun Hye is not her real name, which has been kept...