Tactical Christianity Blog

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Weighing Our Words

Weighing Our Words

“The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil” (Proverbs 15:28).  We don’t always think about words as having “weight,” but they do – whether they represent...

All in the Family – Understanding the Story of David

All in the Family – Understanding the Story of David

Detail, Michelangelo's Statue of David King David’s life and reign  are so well documented in the Bible that the many people involved – truly a cast of hundreds – can be confusing at times. But...

Stand Firm

Stand Firm

People who study the apostle Paul’s armor of God passage most often focus on the pieces of that spiritual armor: the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, etc. However, I ask...

NEW (Free) Certificate Course on the Four Gospels!

NEW (Free) Certificate Course on the Four Gospels!

The new Cornerstone course on the Four Gospels takes a unique approach by looking at the key events in the life and ministry of Jesus – from his pre-incarnate existence to his ascension. In addition...

The Bibles You Can’t Read –  And Why it Matters

The Bibles You Can’t Read – And Why it Matters

When we think of Bible versions we can’t understand, most of us might think of Bibles in the original languages of Hebrew or Greek, or perhaps a medieval Latin Bible.  But we often don’t...

Five Things You May Not Know About Saying “Amen”

Five Things You May Not Know About Saying “Amen”

We are all so used to hearing people say “Amen” at the end of prayers and saying it ourselves that we seldom think about the word, but the following points may show you that there is a lot about...

Archaeological Evidence of the Warrior Gideon?

Archaeological Evidence of the Warrior Gideon?

Photo by Dafna Gazit, Israel Antiquities Authority. Archaeology has been able to document an increasing number of individuals mentioned in the pages of the Bible –  including the prophets...

What the Bible Means by “Confession”

What the Bible Means by “Confession”

“Confess your sins to each other” (James 5:16) The Bible is clear that we should confess our moral and spiritual failures, but the subject of confession can be confusing even for long-time...

Is Love of Country Biblical?

Is Love of Country Biblical?

Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36), and the New Testament stresses that his followers are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven (Philippians 3:20).  But does this mean that as...

What Church Is Not

What Church Is Not

As Christians we know and understand that the Church is the “Body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:27) – that it is a body of individual people who have become spiritually fused in him. Yet we must...

Six Things Job’s Friends Got Right

Six Things Job’s Friends Got Right

There are many lessons to be learned from the book of Job, and among them are important lessons we can learn from his friends.   Despite their lack of understanding regarding Job’s...