by R. Herbert | Aug 31, 2015 | Positive Living
Scripture: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Something to think about: We must always remember that building each other up actually consists of two separate and complementary aspects: the actual lifting or building up and the avoidance of pulling or tearing down. The principle is clearly seen in comparing Paul’s instruction in I Thessalonians (above) with what he says in the Book of Ephesians:
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29).
The two instructions are identical in telling us to build each other up, but while Thessalonians stresses encouraging each other to do so, Ephesians stresses not discouraging each other. It is usually easier to see when we are doing the first rather than the second of these things, but we should certainly do both. How much time do we spend thinking about how we can build each other up – in encouragement and also in not discouraging?
by R. Herbert | Feb 18, 2015 | Encouragement, Positive Living

Could you use some encouragement right now? Do you know anyone who could? Either way our new book is for you!
This new eBook is a collection of practical essays – some from past blog posts on our sites and some specifically written for this book – on a subject we all need to hear about: encouragement.
Some Days We Soar: Words of Encouragement for the Christian Life is available in different formats (including PDF so you can read it on any electronic device). The book is written from a non-denominational perspective, is completely free and free of advertising. You do not need to give an email address or any other information to download the book – just click on the link below and enjoy. Like all our books, if you find Some Days We Soar profitable, feel free to make a copy of the file and pass it, or the URL, along to your friends and others you know who may find the book helpful.
This book may not make your problems go away, but it may help you soar over them, so download it now and remember the encouraging fact we mentioned – it’s free!
Download a free copy of Some Days We Soar here.
by R. Herbert | Jan 14, 2015 | Positive Living
“I have experienced many awful things – most of which didn’t happen.” – Anonymous
You have doubtless heard the old story about the optimist and pessimist having coffee together. When the optimist told his friend, “You always think the worst will happen and then it usually doesn’t,” his pessimist friend replied “Yes – see how well it works!”
It’s a silly story, but it makes a point. Even people of faith are often guilty of presuming the worst in everyday situations. Has it never happened to you? You don’t hear from someone you emailed for several weeks so you begin to think they are angry with you, don’t like you that much anyway, or whatever – only to finally hear back from them that they have been ill for a while. Or you find that the person you thought was a parking slob was dealing with a true emergency which denied time for proper parking.
These may be trivial examples, but if we allow it to become a pattern in our lives, presuming the worst can affect our relationships in more serious ways, especially if doing this leads to presuming negative motivation or actions on the part of those who are not guilty of them.
A classic example of arriving at such wrong conclusions based on presuming the worst can be found in the Book of Job, in the form of Job’s three friends. These friends doubtless loved Job and were concerned for him, yet they allowed themselves to presume the worst about Job’s character in looking at the limited facts they had available. It’s unfortunately a human tendency – a part of human nature that can even be manifested in human relations with God Himself. The Old Testament gives many examples of this among the Children of Israel as they encountered various problems before going into the Promised Land:
“You grumbled in your tents and said, ‘The LORD hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us’” (Deuteronomy 1: 27).
Many of these Israelites were obviously hard hearted and full of their own human nature, as the Bible shows; but their attitude of presuming the worst remains a lesson to us all. In fact, learning to assume positive intent on the part of those around us – and God Himself – is a vital part of spiritual maturity. Certainly we may be disappointed at times if we develop this attitude, and we should always be wise in our dealings with others (it’s OK to presume the worst about a person offering to sell you the Eiffel Tower or a bridge in Brooklyn); but we shouldn’t presume the worst without some indication to justify the feeling. Most of us have no problem in accepting the legal mantra of “innocent until proven guilty,” but sometimes we have to broaden our thinking to include that approach in our everyday lives.
Presuming the worst can often be just a way of accepting our fears or frustrations without properly dealing with them. The old saying really has some truth in it: “If you presume the worst of others, you will all too often assume you are right.” We need to make a conscious decision not to presume the worst and to assume the best whenever possible.
by R. Herbert | Jan 1, 2015 | Positive Living
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? …” (Isaiah 43:18-19). Ancient cultures celebrated the beginning of their new year at various points in the annual solar cycle. The ancient Roman year began in March until Julius Caesar, in correcting the calendar in 46 B.C., made January the first month. And some cultures, like ancient Israel, had more than one new year – a sacred year beginning in the spring, and an administrative or civil year beginning in the fall.
The Bible shows certain events in religious history were tied to these two new years. Nisan 1, the beginning of the Hebrew sacred year, was the beginning of the Exodus story (Exodus 12:1-2), and according to Jewish tradition, the tabernacle of God was dedicated on the same first day of the spring cycle New Year; whereas the Temple of Solomon was dedicated at the beginning of the fall cycle New Year (1 Kings 8:1-2). This “civil new year” is also the point from which the years were counted in Israel and, according to Jewish tradition, the day on which the creation of man took place.
So the new years were important in a number of ways in the religion of ancient Israel, as we see in the Old Testament. But whatever date cultures have chosen to begin a new year, it is often a time of celebration as it seems to be deeply human to desire and to celebrate new beginnings. Sometimes, of course, the celebration part of the picture can get a little carried away. As far as our modern (since Julius Caesar) New Year is concerned, it is interesting that the early Christians accepted it, but cautiously as they were strongly opposed to the pagan extravagance and licentiousness which often accompanied it. Not much has changed since those times and, as we all know, for some today New Year’s Eve can often be a time of revelry without restraint. Today’s Christians may still have to beware of that spirit of unrestraint, but we can always rejoice in the concept of renewal.
As Christians we rejoice in the new lives we begin upon conversion – as the apostle Paul wrote: “… if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17); and in his letter to the Ephesians Paul shows that this is an ongoing renewal: “… put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires … be made new in the attitude of your minds; and … put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24). That’s a goal that certainly far exceeds any physical “New Year’s resolution,” but in that sense, every day is like the beginning of a new year for the Christian, and Christians should perhaps strive to be masters of the new beginning. It’s part of our calling – we are supposed to “raze the old to raise the new” – on an ongoing basis. So let’s remember the calling we have as this new year begins – not to well-intentioned but short-lived “resolutions,” but to real and lasting renewal.
by R. Herbert | Nov 30, 2014 | Positive Living, Strategic Articles
A wise man once said that the first things we do in life are to map our world and to want what we don’t have.
But do those things bring us happiness when we get them? In this season of frantic holiday buying and wanting, many find no real happiness in getting.
But human beings were clearly made to want things – with desires that are not satisfied by “things.” Our article “What Do You Want?“, uploaded today, looks at the story of human wanting and at some of the things that we can want that do bring happiness to ourselves and others. Read the article here.
by R. Herbert | Nov 3, 2014 | Positive Living
“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is one of the most well-known phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. It ranks the pursuit of happiness as an “unalienable right” which the Declaration affirms has been given to all human beings by their Creator.
The goal of human happiness is, of course, a totally worthy one with which few would disagree, but the words “pursuit of Happiness” can sometimes cause a misunderstanding. All too often we tend to think of happiness as a goal to be pursued, a thing to be chased, caught up with and captured; but there can be problems with this idea of pursuing happiness.
If we pursue happiness as a goal in itself, we never really find it. We have a whole book of the Bible – the Book of Ecclesiastes – reminding us of that truth. This is because happiness is not a commodity to be hunted and caught; it comes as a side-effect of what we do. We have only to read widely in literature to see that this has been something that wise men and women have understood for millennia – that rather than being an independent commodity we somehow gain, happiness is something we produce by what we do. Solomon found this (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26), and consider these few modern examples: Eleanor Roosevelt wrote “Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.” That is what Ralph Waldo Emerson meant when he wrote “Some pursue happiness – others create it.” And the current Dalai Lama has said: “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
But if that was all there is to happiness, everyone would do things that made them happy and everyone would be happy – which we know is far from the truth. Unfortunately, many people short-circuit the production of happiness in a particular way. Writer Freya Stark summarized this: “There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” And remember that Jesus himself said, as he concluded the teaching of his disciples: “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them” (John 13:17 KJV).
There is an undeniable link between what we know and what we do. No matter what we do to try to produce happiness in our lives, our attempts will always be short-circuited if there is a gap between belief and practice, between our faith and our actions. Sometimes a little meditation on that fact is a far more effective way to get back to producing happiness in our lives than trying to chase happiness by seeking it some other way.
But a major lesson that we humans have learned through history is that we become happy as a result of what we do. So what particular actions make us happy? Once again we can look to Ecclesiastes to see that satisfying our every whim certainly does not produce happiness, and that chasing happiness is a “chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). But if we look again to the words of Christ “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them,” it is clear that “these things” are the things Jesus had taught his disciples – foremost of which are the principles of giving and serving. It is in this context that we should also remember Jesus’ words that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). It is no coincidence that the Greek word makarion – “blessed” also means “happy.” If we are doing these things we won’t have to pursue happiness because, invariably, happiness will come to us.
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