New Free E-Book: Survey of the Old Testament!

New Free E-Book: Survey of the Old Testament!

Vol. 1.  Creation to Covenant
Vol. 2. The Promised Land to the Promised One     

ISBN  978-1-63752-297-4    Cornerstone Publications

Based on the successful Cornerstone course, this new two volume e-book presents an in-depth but readable survey of the Old Testament by looking closely at key events recorded in the flow of the biblical  narrative.  This has many advantages over studying the Old Testament book by book or theme by theme, and the course is now used in seminaries, Bible schools, and other biblical training situations, as well as for personal use by students of the Bible around the world.  Volume 1 covers major biblical events from the story of Creation to the institution of the Sinai Covenant and Volume 2 covers the entry into the promised land to the close of the Old Testament. The two volumes offer a clear overview and a deeper understanding of the Old Testament.  Download a free copy of both volumes of this new book in the format of your choice here and here.

NEW Free Certificate Course in the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament

NEW Free Certificate Course in the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament

Cornerstone Bible Courses new  thirteen unit course  provides a detailed study of the five books known as the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. The course focuses on the backgrounds and messages of these books and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study.  All materials for the course –  including textbooks and lesson materials – are free and can be downloaded directly from the Cornerstone website.  For those who desire it, a free personalized certificate of completion is also available after finishing the course and taking a short final test.  This new course is now available  here.

Welcome to the NEW Tactical Christianity!

Welcome to the NEW Tactical Christianity!

Welcome to the NEW Tactical Christianity!

After seven years of operation, the original website has been completely remade!   We are extremely happy to welcome you to the new site and know that you will find it even more helpful than it has been in the past.

Our newly remade site features an improved layout, as well as navigation features that are a great advance over what the earlier site was able to offer.  You will find that the page redesign also makes reading easier and more enjoyable.

Perhaps the greatest difference you will find in our new website is  the new Blog layout which now shows the blog post images and a short sample of text so you can get a better idea of which past blogs you might like to read.

We would like to give a mention of special thanks to Anthony Joseph  for his help in the new website design and production – we think he did a great job and are confident that you will think so, too.

Enjoy the new site and what it has to offer!

Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

During the course of this past year we published well over a hundred blog posts here and on our sister sites.  The list below gives the twelve posts that were most popular on this site, so check out the list to see how it compares with your own favorites and to see if you missed any of these popular posts …

Are You Afraid of Change?

Biblical Body Language

The Story of Abigail:  Taking Evasive Action

One Walk – Three Parts

The Psalm behind the Words

What “I Can Do All Things…” Really Means

Why the Sermon on the Mount?

Bash Them, Smash Them!  Understanding the Psalms of Vengeance

The First Two Minutes of Life

What Does It Means to Love Others as Ourselves?

Asking for Wisdom – Wisely!

Master of De-escalation

*You may also enjoy this year’s favorites on our sister site. You can check them out here.

A New, FREE, Bible Course!

A New, FREE, Bible Course!



It may be exactly what you have been looking for. You can download Cornerstone’s free course units and study them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, at your own pace.  The carefully prepared courses are non-denominational and non-commercial in approach and provide in-depth information on the Bible for those who cannot attend Bible school or seminary, or who simply want to understand the Bible at a deeper level in their own personal study.  

All course materials are provided free of charge and there are no costs of any kind. Courses can be completed offline and an optional final exam can be taken online for a personalized certificate of completion.  A twenty-four unit course in the Old Testament is currently available that offers a detailed examination of  key biblical events and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study. A course in the New Testament is also now in preparation. 

All Cornerstone courses combine careful biblical scholarship – utilizing information from theology, archaeology, and biblical history – with practical insight and applications.  Download a free course from the Cornerstone website today – we are sure you will learn and profit from it! 

New Free E-Book Editions!

New Free E-Book Editions!





Our free e-book, Lessons from the Life of Jesus, has always been one of our most popular titles, and tens of thousands of copies have been downloaded since its publication in 2017.  Now we are happy to announce that a new and revised (but still free!) second edition is available.  This book is a perfect companion while studying the Gospels or can be read just by itself. Lessons from the Life of Jesus contains twenty-five topics, each drawing from biblical history, archaeology, or culture and giving a fresh insight into some aspect of the life and ministry of Christ – along with practical lessons you can apply in your Christian life today. 


Like all our e-books, Lessons from the Life of Jesus is free for instant download in the format of your choice here.

Also this month we are excited to announce the publication of a French language version of Lessons from the Life of Jesus. You can download a free copy of this new translation  here.​