More Free E-Books (and Now Bibles) for You!

More Free E-Books (and Now Bibles) for You!

A few weeks ago we announced our new website,, dedicated to making quality Christian e-books (our own and selected others) freely available for reading on any computer, e-reader or smartphone.  

The new site has received a lot of visitors and positive comments already and we are excited that it has had such a great reception.  There is an obvious and growing need for Christian e-books that can be read on any electronic device, but although there are numerous websites offering free Christian literature, their books all too often offer a narrow denominational perspective, are only “occasionally” or “partially” free, and often require registration with an email address that leads to advertising or other “follow ups.” Perhaps that is why our new site has been an immediate success with its non-denominational approach and completely free downloads without any strings, conditions or registrations.   
And there is more good news.  Free Christian E-Books is not intended to be a static library – we plan to add new titles to the site on a regular basis. We have already added a number of new e-books and more are on the way. 

The new additions include a small selection of Bible translations as well as Bible study and Christian living helps by established Christian authors.  There is  already a wide selection of titles to choose from, but the new additions make the site even more attractive.  So if you haven’t visited yet – or to see the new titles –  you can visit here.

A New Website (with Free Books) for You!

A New Website (with Free Books) for You!

We are very happy to announce the launch of our latest website:   Free Christian E-Books! Our new site brings you more food for the soul – in the form of  Christian e-books that you can read on any computer, e-reader or smartphone.  

Naturally the new site carries all of our own e-books (including the latest 2nd editions and new titles) and also carefully selected books ranging from classics like The Pilgrim’s Progress to recent titles by some of the leading Christian writers of today.   Books have been chosen to reflect our non-denominational perspective, and while some authors are affiliated with specific denominations, the works we have selected do not focus on denominational topics.

Also in keeping with the philosophy behind our website ministry, all the books we offer on the new website are completely free and do not require any registration or email address to download.  The site is newly launched, but there is  already a wide selection of titles to choose from, and new books will be added regularly. Why not come on over to visit and pick up a couple of free books while you are there!  You can visit here.

Lessons from the Parables: A New (Free) Edition of Our Popular Book!

Lessons from the Parables: A New (Free) Edition of Our Popular Book!

By R. Herbert. Second edition, revised and expanded, Living Belief Books, 2019. ISBN 978-1-942573-62-3

This new edition of one of our popular e-books has been revised to make its information more accessible.  It also includes new material and a new appendix on the parables of the Old Testament.  The City on a Hill: Lessons from the Parables of Jesus is a practical but carefully researched commentary on all of the parables found in the Four Gospels. Use it as a study aid or reference, to prepare lessons or sermons, or simply enjoy it as a profitable Christian read!  

Like all our e-books, The City on a Hill is free and free from advertising.  It is available in multiple formats for reading on any computer, e-book reader or smart phone. You do not need to register or provide an email address to get a copy – simply click on the link on the download page of our sister site here.

Books, Books, and More Books!

Books, Books, and More Books!

Our recent e-book production schedule has precluded us from updating our “Books in Brief” review page for a while, but we have finally been able to select a few more titles to recommend to you!  They are the classic The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, David Jeremiah’s recent Overcomer based on Ephesians 6, and the soon-to-be-published Double Crossed, the fascinating true story of the Christian missionaries who played a crucial role in the Allied victory in World War II.

Of course, if you haven’t already downloaded our own most recent title, Discovering the Bible, be sure to check that out (see the blog post directly below this one. Like all our e-books, our latest publication is entirely free and free of advertising and does not require any reghistration or email address to download. Simply choose the format of your choice and click the link on the download page. 

Finally, we are happy to confirm that we have almost completed a revised and expanded 2nd edition of our very first e-book, The City on a Hill: Lessons from the Parables of Jesus –  a practical study of all the parables of the New Testament.  Look for the announcement of that 2nd edition soon! 

Discovering the Bible –  Free E-Book!

Discovering the Bible – Free E-Book!

By R. Herbert, Tactical Belief Books, 2019
ISBN 978-1-64370-227-8     

Our latest free e-book is a straightforward guide giving a brief introduction to each book of the Old and New Testament:  who wrote it, why it was written, and what it says.  Summary verses and verses to think about are also included. If you are only now beginning to read the Bible – or would like to refresh your knowledge of its individual books – this guide will help you discover, or discover more fully, the individual books that make up the “book of books” –  the Bible.   

As is the case with all our e-books, Discovering the Bible is completely free and has no advertising. You do not need to register or give an email address to obtain a copy – just click on the link here to go directly to  the download page.

Summer Blog Schedule

Summer Blog Schedule

Summer is here (in the northern hemisphere, at least!) and we will be going to our summer blog schedule.  Although our sites receive hundreds of thousands of visitors, the summer months of June and July are typically lower traffic months in which we can spend more time producing our free Christian e-books.   

This means that rather than publishing a new post on each site each week, as we do most of the year, we will be alternating blog posts on our two sites – a new post on one site one week, then a new one on the other site the next week. Normal blog scheduling will resume in August.

That still translates as a new blog post for you each week, between our two sites, during the summer months of June and July – so if there is not a new post here you can read the latest one on our sister site here.